What are you doing to save our great country today?
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Blue Dog Contact List
Here are the phone & fax numbers for the Democrat Blue Dogs in the House of Representatives
Dennis Cardoza (CA-18)
DC Phone: 202-225-6131
DC Fax: 202-225-0819
Mike Thompson (CA-01)
DC Phone: 202-225-3311
DC Fax: 202-225-4335
Jim Costa (CA-20)
DC Phone: 202-225-3341
DC Fax: 202-225-9308
Adam Schiff (CA-29)
DC Phone: 202-225-4176
DC Fax: 202-225-5828
Jane Harman (CA-36)
DC Phone: 202-225-8220
DC Fax: 202-226-7290
Joe Baca (CA-43)
DC Phone: 202-225-6161
DC Fax: 202-225-8671
Harry Mitchell (AZ-05)
DC Phone: 202-225-2190
DC Fax: 202-225-3263
Gabrielle Giffords (AZ-08)
DC Phone: 202-225-2542
DC Fax: 202-225-0378
Henry Cueller (TX-28)
DC Phone: 202-225-1640
DC Fax: 202-225-1641
Dan Boren (OK-02)
DC Phone: 202-225-2701
DC Fax: 202-225-3038
James D. Matheson (UT-02)
DC Phone: 202-225-3011
DC Fax: 202-225-5638
John Salazar (CO-03)
DC Phone: 202-225-4761
DC Fax: 202-226-9669
Dennis Moore (KS-03)
DC Phone: 202-225-2865
DC Fax: 202-225-2807
Walter C. Minnick (ID-01)
DC Phone: 202-225-6611
DC Fax: 202-225-3029
Earl Pomeroy (ND)
DC Phone: 202-225-2611
DC Fax: 202-226-0893
Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (SD)
DC Phone: 202-225-2801
DC Fax: 202-225-5823
Collin Peterson (MN-07)
DC Phone: 202-225-2165
DC Fax: 202-225-1593
Leonard Boswell (IA-03)
DC Phone: 202-225-3806
DC Fax: 202-225-5608
Marion Berry (AR-01)
DC Phone: 202-225-4076
DC Fax: 202-225-5602
Mike Ross (AR-04)
DC Phone: 202-225-3772
DC Fax: 202-225-1314
Charlie Melancon (LA-03)
DC Phone: 202-225-4031
DC Fax: 202-226-3944
Travis Childers (MS-01)
DC Phone: 202-225-4306
DC Fax: 202-225-3549
Gene Taylor (MS-04)
DC Phone: 202-225-5772
DC Fax: 202-225-7074
Bobby Bright (AL-02)
DC Phone: 202-225-2901
DC Fax: 202-225-8913
Parker Griffith (AL-05)
DC Phone: 202-225-4801
DC Fax: 202-225-4392
Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. (GA-02)
DC Phone: 202-225-3631
DC Fax: 202-225-2203
Jim Marshall (GA-08)
DC Phone: 202-225-6531
DC Fax: 202-225-3013
John Barrow (GA-12)
DC Phone: 202-225-2823
DC Fax: 202-225-3377
David Scott (GA-13)
DC Phone: 202-225-2939
DC Fax: 202-225-4628
Allen Boyd (FL-02)
DC Phone: 202-225-5235
DC Fax: 202-225-5615
Mike McIntyre (NC-07)
DC Phone: 202-225-2731
DC Fax: 202-225-5773
Heath Shuler (NC-11)
DC Phone: 202-225-6401
DC Fax: 202-226-6422
Lincoln Davis (TN-04)
DC Phone: 202-225-6831
DC Fax: 202-226-5172
Jim Cooper (TN-05)
DC Phone: 202-225-4311
DC Fax: 202-226-1035
John S. Tanner (TN-08)
DC Phone: 202-225-4714
DC Fax: 202-225-1765
Ben Chandler (KY-06)
DC Phone: 202-225-4706
DC Fax: 202-225-2122
Joe Donnelly (IN-02)
DC Phone: 202-225-3915
DC Fax: 202-225-6798
Brad Ellsworth (IN-08)
DC Phone: 202-225-4636
DC Fax: 202-225-3284
Baron Hill (IN-09)
Washington, D.C. 20515-1409
DC Phone: 202-225-5315
DC Fax: 202-226-6866
Charles Wilson (OH-06)
DC Phone: 202-225-5705
DC Fax: 202-225-5907
Zack T. Space (OH-18)
DC Phone: 202-225-6265
DC Fax: 202-225-3394
Glenn Nye, III (VA-02)
DC Phone: 202-225-4215
DC Fax: 202-225-4218
Kathy Dahlkemper (PA-03)
DC Phone: 202-225-5406
Fax: (202) 225-3103
Jason Altmire (PA-04)
DC Phone: 202-225-2565
DC Fax: 202-226-2274
Patrick Murphy (PA-08)
DC Phone: 202-225-4276
DC Fax: 202-225-9511
Chris Carney (PA-10)
DC Phone: 202-225-3731
DC Fax: 202-225-9594
Tim Holden (PA-17)
DC Phone: 202-225-5546
DC Fax: 202-226-0996
Frank M. Kratovil, Jr. (MD-01)
DC Phone: 202-225-5311
DC Fax: 202-225-0254
Michael Arcuri (NY-24)
DC Phone: 202-225-3665
DC Fax: 202-225-1891
Dennis Cardoza (CA-18)
DC Phone: 202-225-6131
DC Fax: 202-225-0819
Mike Thompson (CA-01)
DC Phone: 202-225-3311
DC Fax: 202-225-4335
Jim Costa (CA-20)
DC Phone: 202-225-3341
DC Fax: 202-225-9308
Adam Schiff (CA-29)
DC Phone: 202-225-4176
DC Fax: 202-225-5828
Jane Harman (CA-36)
DC Phone: 202-225-8220
DC Fax: 202-226-7290
Joe Baca (CA-43)
DC Phone: 202-225-6161
DC Fax: 202-225-8671
Harry Mitchell (AZ-05)
DC Phone: 202-225-2190
DC Fax: 202-225-3263
Gabrielle Giffords (AZ-08)
DC Phone: 202-225-2542
DC Fax: 202-225-0378
Henry Cueller (TX-28)
DC Phone: 202-225-1640
DC Fax: 202-225-1641
Dan Boren (OK-02)
DC Phone: 202-225-2701
DC Fax: 202-225-3038
James D. Matheson (UT-02)
DC Phone: 202-225-3011
DC Fax: 202-225-5638
John Salazar (CO-03)
DC Phone: 202-225-4761
DC Fax: 202-226-9669
Dennis Moore (KS-03)
DC Phone: 202-225-2865
DC Fax: 202-225-2807
Walter C. Minnick (ID-01)
DC Phone: 202-225-6611
DC Fax: 202-225-3029
Earl Pomeroy (ND)
DC Phone: 202-225-2611
DC Fax: 202-226-0893
Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (SD)
DC Phone: 202-225-2801
DC Fax: 202-225-5823
Collin Peterson (MN-07)
DC Phone: 202-225-2165
DC Fax: 202-225-1593
Leonard Boswell (IA-03)
DC Phone: 202-225-3806
DC Fax: 202-225-5608
Marion Berry (AR-01)
DC Phone: 202-225-4076
DC Fax: 202-225-5602
Mike Ross (AR-04)
DC Phone: 202-225-3772
DC Fax: 202-225-1314
Charlie Melancon (LA-03)
DC Phone: 202-225-4031
DC Fax: 202-226-3944
Travis Childers (MS-01)
DC Phone: 202-225-4306
DC Fax: 202-225-3549
Gene Taylor (MS-04)
DC Phone: 202-225-5772
DC Fax: 202-225-7074
Bobby Bright (AL-02)
DC Phone: 202-225-2901
DC Fax: 202-225-8913
Parker Griffith (AL-05)
DC Phone: 202-225-4801
DC Fax: 202-225-4392
Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. (GA-02)
DC Phone: 202-225-3631
DC Fax: 202-225-2203
Jim Marshall (GA-08)
DC Phone: 202-225-6531
DC Fax: 202-225-3013
John Barrow (GA-12)
DC Phone: 202-225-2823
DC Fax: 202-225-3377
David Scott (GA-13)
DC Phone: 202-225-2939
DC Fax: 202-225-4628
Allen Boyd (FL-02)
DC Phone: 202-225-5235
DC Fax: 202-225-5615
Mike McIntyre (NC-07)
DC Phone: 202-225-2731
DC Fax: 202-225-5773
Heath Shuler (NC-11)
DC Phone: 202-225-6401
DC Fax: 202-226-6422
Lincoln Davis (TN-04)
DC Phone: 202-225-6831
DC Fax: 202-226-5172
Jim Cooper (TN-05)
DC Phone: 202-225-4311
DC Fax: 202-226-1035
John S. Tanner (TN-08)
DC Phone: 202-225-4714
DC Fax: 202-225-1765
Ben Chandler (KY-06)
DC Phone: 202-225-4706
DC Fax: 202-225-2122
Joe Donnelly (IN-02)
DC Phone: 202-225-3915
DC Fax: 202-225-6798
Brad Ellsworth (IN-08)
DC Phone: 202-225-4636
DC Fax: 202-225-3284
Baron Hill (IN-09)
Washington, D.C. 20515-1409
DC Phone: 202-225-5315
DC Fax: 202-226-6866
Charles Wilson (OH-06)
DC Phone: 202-225-5705
DC Fax: 202-225-5907
Zack T. Space (OH-18)
DC Phone: 202-225-6265
DC Fax: 202-225-3394
Glenn Nye, III (VA-02)
DC Phone: 202-225-4215
DC Fax: 202-225-4218
Kathy Dahlkemper (PA-03)
DC Phone: 202-225-5406
Fax: (202) 225-3103
Jason Altmire (PA-04)
DC Phone: 202-225-2565
DC Fax: 202-226-2274
Patrick Murphy (PA-08)
DC Phone: 202-225-4276
DC Fax: 202-225-9511
Chris Carney (PA-10)
DC Phone: 202-225-3731
DC Fax: 202-225-9594
Tim Holden (PA-17)
DC Phone: 202-225-5546
DC Fax: 202-226-0996
Frank M. Kratovil, Jr. (MD-01)
DC Phone: 202-225-5311
DC Fax: 202-225-0254
Michael Arcuri (NY-24)
DC Phone: 202-225-3665
DC Fax: 202-225-1891
Is America Worth Fighting For?
Well here it is. The week that the White House says they will pass "HealthCare Reform"; except we know that this current proposal has nothing to do with health care and everything to do with power. We also know that the American people ~you and I~ don’t want it, but that won’t stop the current crop of Democrat leadership in their quest for power. They believe that they know better than us. That we are like children who don’t know what’s good for them. The irony is that they are acting like spoiled children themselves who are upset that they’re not getting their way. They are kicking and screaming to try to get us to change our minds about their plan. They are trying to bribe their members into voting for it; they are trying to intimidate those that don’t agree with them. They don’t want a debate ~because they know they have lost~ so now they will “force” it down our throats with an unconstitutional “rule”. See Slaughter rule.
What are you & I going to do about it? Obama, Reid, and Pelosi think that we are just going to sit back and let it them enslave us. That’s what this bill is about. Enslaving us, our children and our grandchildren. This bill would further cripple our economy and control who gets health care and who doesn’t. Let me ask you a question. Regardless of whether you believe it’s the government’s job to “take care” of its citizens, what does the government do well? What is their track record? Have they ever done anything under budget? Have they ever run anything efficiently? Social Security? Post Office? Medicare? Welfare? Veterans Health Care? The only thing remotely that I can think of is the Military and there are some abuses there, but that where I’m willing to pay for some inefficiency.
The Democrats have come out and admitted that the reason they want taxpayer funded abortion is that less people will be cheaper for the rest of us. “If you pass the Stupak amendment, more children will be born, and therefore it will cost us millions more”. See here.Unbelievable. Obviously children cost money, but is that really a justification for not having them?
My plan this week is to fax Congress critters and let them know that what they are attempting is both unconstitutional and treasonous. They will be held accountable by Americans that love this country.
What are YOU going to do to defend this country this week?
What are you & I going to do about it? Obama, Reid, and Pelosi think that we are just going to sit back and let it them enslave us. That’s what this bill is about. Enslaving us, our children and our grandchildren. This bill would further cripple our economy and control who gets health care and who doesn’t. Let me ask you a question. Regardless of whether you believe it’s the government’s job to “take care” of its citizens, what does the government do well? What is their track record? Have they ever done anything under budget? Have they ever run anything efficiently? Social Security? Post Office? Medicare? Welfare? Veterans Health Care? The only thing remotely that I can think of is the Military and there are some abuses there, but that where I’m willing to pay for some inefficiency.
The Democrats have come out and admitted that the reason they want taxpayer funded abortion is that less people will be cheaper for the rest of us. “If you pass the Stupak amendment, more children will be born, and therefore it will cost us millions more”. See here.Unbelievable. Obviously children cost money, but is that really a justification for not having them?
My plan this week is to fax Congress critters and let them know that what they are attempting is both unconstitutional and treasonous. They will be held accountable by Americans that love this country.
What are YOU going to do to defend this country this week?
Congress Critters,
Slaughter Solution
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
I went grocery shopping last night and saved big bucks. My “steal” was getting 5 lbs of brown rice FREE. I had 5 $.50 coupons for Riceland rice. Schnucks had 1 lb bag for $.99 and they double coupons up to $.60, so I got my rice for FREE! I also bought 2 3 pack of Act II Microwave Popcorn for $.20 each. I spent $127.81 and saved $51.45 just in coupons. ~That doesn’t include the sales that I used the coupons on~. The gentleman behind me in Kroger watched my bill go down and wanted to know how much I saved with my coupons. Needless to say, he was impressed. When my husband helped me carry in all of my goodies, he thought I had spent at least $200. He was very pleased that it wasn’t that much.
Thanks Grocery Game!
Thanks Grocery Game!
2 out of 3
This morning I got up and did my Winsor Pilates
20 minute workout. That’s the 2nd time this week. My goal is 3 this week. I’m 2/3 of the way. Yea!
Yesterday was gorgeous here in Memphis ~a perfect spring day~. Today, it’s started the typical Memphis spring cycle. The forecast is rain & thunderstorms for the next few days. We’ll have a couple of nice days, then a few days of rain.
Today, my daughter has an orthodontist appointment. Other than taking her, my focus today is going to be faxing and contacting members of Congress in opposition to the HellCare Bill. It’s nothing but government control of every aspect of our lives under the guise of “the government knows best”. Capitalism, free markets and liberty has made this country great; not government control.
Here are the Congress Critters that will be getting a fax from me today.
Have a Great Day!
Yesterday was gorgeous here in Memphis ~a perfect spring day~. Today, it’s started the typical Memphis spring cycle. The forecast is rain & thunderstorms for the next few days. We’ll have a couple of nice days, then a few days of rain.
Today, my daughter has an orthodontist appointment. Other than taking her, my focus today is going to be faxing and contacting members of Congress in opposition to the HellCare Bill. It’s nothing but government control of every aspect of our lives under the guise of “the government knows best”. Capitalism, free markets and liberty has made this country great; not government control.
Here are the Congress Critters that will be getting a fax from me today.
Have a Great Day!
Winsor Pilates
Monday, March 8, 2010
To Do List
Today is a beautiful day here in Memphis. It’s sunny and going to get close to 70. My girls have already played outside. I’ve got lots to do today. Here are my top priorities.
o Laundry ~I’ve already got a load of towels in~
o Clean kitchen
o Menu planning
o Online shopping for girl’s spring clothes.
o Faxing Congress Critters opposing “HealthCare” Reform bill. ~This bill has nothing to do with Healthcare and everything to do with power~
I cleaned out my daughter’s fall/winter clothes and got out their spring/summer clothes from last year. They have definitely gotten taller. I will have to replace all their shorts. I’ll be listing them on CraigsList.
o Laundry ~I’ve already got a load of towels in~
o Clean kitchen
o Menu planning
o Online shopping for girl’s spring clothes.
o Faxing Congress Critters opposing “HealthCare” Reform bill. ~This bill has nothing to do with Healthcare and everything to do with power~
I cleaned out my daughter’s fall/winter clothes and got out their spring/summer clothes from last year. They have definitely gotten taller. I will have to replace all their shorts. I’ll be listing them on CraigsList.
Daily To Do,
Friday, March 5, 2010
Day Four!
Well, today is Day Four on The Flat Belly Diet
. ~Specifically the Anti-Bloat Jumpstart~ I haven't followed it exactly, ~I broke down and had some Pizza for lunch~ but I haven't had coffee or a Diet Coke for almost 4 days. The first two days were the hardest. I had a headache and was hungry. It is a 1,200 calorie a day diet. I do feel better in my jeans though. Tomorrow I start with the real diet ~I'm looking forward to drinking something other than Sassy Water~. I'll post recipes and how it goes.
Have a Great Weekend!
Have a Great Weekend!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Flat Belly, Here I come!
I’m starting the Flat Belly Diet
today, which means I’m sitting here drinking hot water instead of coffee. It also means no Diet Coke for the next 4 days. I went shopping last night with my shopping list for the Four Day Anti-Bloat Jumpstart and Sassy Water Recipe . The Jumpstart is designed to help you get a quick start on your weight loss. It’s 1200 calories split up into 4 meals. No caffeine, no carbonated beverages, no salty foods or raw bulky foods. The idea is to get rid of your bloat and water retention. It gives quick results that help to keep you motivated to keep going. Well, we shall see.
I’m off to make my Sassy Water.
2 liters water ~about 8 ½ cups~
1 tsp freshly grated ginger root
1 med cucumber, peeled and thinly slicked
1 med lemon, thinkly sliced
12 mint leaves
Combine all ingredients in a large pitcher. It can be made the night before.
Have a Great Day!
I’m off to make my Sassy Water.
2 liters water ~about 8 ½ cups~
1 tsp freshly grated ginger root
1 med cucumber, peeled and thinly slicked
1 med lemon, thinkly sliced
12 mint leaves
Combine all ingredients in a large pitcher. It can be made the night before.
Have a Great Day!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Appetizer Recipes
Warm Creamy Bacon Dip
Hot Spinach Dip
Dessert Recipes
Chocolate Chip Pound Cake
Microwave Chocolate Cake
Entree Recipes
Baked Chicken Supreme
Easy Microwave Chicken
Easy Tilapia
Grammy Lou's Chicken Pot Pie
Misc Recipes
Fall PayDay Snack
Hashbrown Breakfast Casserole
Warm Creamy Bacon Dip
Hot Spinach Dip
Dessert Recipes
Chocolate Chip Pound Cake
Microwave Chocolate Cake
Entree Recipes
Baked Chicken Supreme
Easy Microwave Chicken
Easy Tilapia
Grammy Lou's Chicken Pot Pie
Misc Recipes
Fall PayDay Snack
Hashbrown Breakfast Casserole
How Do You Eat an Elephant?
Where did February go? Here it is March 1, 2010 and I’m not doing very well with my New Year’s goals. How about you? House? Still in chaos. Weight? Haven’t lost any. Well, the good news is that I can start fresh today. It’s a new month. My motto for this week is Past Performance is NOT indicative of Future Results!
I am tired of being overwhelmed by all I have to do. I’m going to break down projects into bite size pieces. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. I’m going to make a monthly and weekly list, then break it down into daily lists.
Today’s To Do List:
o Clean Out Refrigerator
o Laundry
o Get coupons & grocery list together ~thegrocerygame.com~
o Plan meals for the week
I’m off to clean out my fridge. My mom says that when I don't have any Tupperware in my cabinet, then it's time to clean out the fridge. I’ll give you a progress report.
Have a Great Day!
I am tired of being overwhelmed by all I have to do. I’m going to break down projects into bite size pieces. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. I’m going to make a monthly and weekly list, then break it down into daily lists.
Today’s To Do List:
o Clean Out Refrigerator
o Laundry
o Get coupons & grocery list together ~thegrocerygame.com~
o Plan meals for the week
I’m off to clean out my fridge. My mom says that when I don't have any Tupperware in my cabinet, then it's time to clean out the fridge. I’ll give you a progress report.
Have a Great Day!
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