Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Step 2: Eliminate!

Good Morning! Well, my bed is made, I’m dressed and the Christmas tree is down. Yesterday we discussed the importance of setting goals and that the first step was evaluating where we are in these 8 areas:

o Financial
o Health
o Spouse
o Most Important Relationships
o Spirituality/Personal Growth
o Fun
o Physical Environment
o Career

Next, we evaluated where we wanted to be in these areas. Did you do that? If not, go back and take the time to do it. It’s important to know where we’re headed.

If you are like me, there are some changes that you want to make. How are we going to accomplish this? First we need to eliminate some things in our lives. As fellow moms, I know you are busy. It’s an understatement really. There are some habits in our lives that are destructive. Other things that we may need to give up are not necessarily bad they’re just not the best use of our time.

It’s a matter of prioritizing. What do we really want? What are we willing to do to get what we want? What are we willing to Eliminate to get where we want to be?

My example today is the area of Health. I would rate my health at about a 5. Just average. I don’t have any major health issues, but I need to lose some weight. ~I’m not divulging how much~ What habits am I willing to change or give up so that I can lose weight in 2010? What has worked for me in the past? How did I get to this present weight? What stinkin’ thinkin’ got me to this weight? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing, but expecting a different result. I’ve been in denial over what got me to this weight. I need to decide, is it worth the pain to get what I want? Is it really important to me? Or just wishful thinking? Am I willing to get up earlier ~and lose sleep~ to exercise? What exercise is the most efficient and actually works? What foods am I willing to give up or maybe not eat so much of?

We have a Nordic Trac Skier that needs a new belt. The last time that I lost weight, was when I was using that and doing the Atkins diet. My plan of action includes getting that fixed and either doing the South Beach or Belly Fat diet. They are similar, but part of the equation is being able to stick with it. One thing that I know for sure is that I’ve got to eliminate Diet Coke and drink more water. Any thoughts? Any insights?

Tomorrow, we’ll talk about focus & determination. Have a Great Day!

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