Monday, July 30, 2012

It's Time to Step-up for a Scrapper



July 30, 2012

 Dear Fellow Americans,

Remember how the leftwing media crucified Sarah Palin in the 2008 election? Well, now they've made "Charlotte Bergmann" their new target.

A recent Commercial Appeal article contained a ruthless personal attack against Charlotte – using long debunked accusations. They're desperate because they know that they are going to lose unless they destroy her. They know that another Conservative candidate threatens their D.C. ways.

Liberals know that if Charlotte wins, the Democratic Party’s stronghold over the upwardly mobile, freedom loving voters in the NEW 9th District is cooked.  As we head into the heart of perhaps one of the most important – but racially and economically polarized election cycles of our lifetime – we need to continue our success in carrying the message of freedom.

The need has NEVER been so urgent! Charlotte Bergmann warns that under this administration’s statism – unless the People take our nation back from socialistic policies – we WILL lose America!

Memphians need jobs!

Her opponent, Dr. Flinn owns over 40 radio stations from California to Florida. But in Memphis, he is responsible for the job losses of several radio hosts with the recent reformatting of WMPS-the Point, a radio station which was gaining in popularity. Jobs are NOT his priority!

The main stream media is predicting that Dr. George Flinn will win the Republican Primary on the basis of his deep pockets.  This is not what we heard as people were exiting the polls.  But, the election is Thursday, August 2nd. Only 62,601
 people had voted by the end of Early Voting.

Dr. Flinn will become another Washington insider who is sucking the lifeblood out of America by spending our money with no consequence! So stand with me and send a hard working, commonsense conservative just like you to Congress by following this link right now to make a donation of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more to my campaign.

After the hard fought right to control the redistricting process and to give Republicans more control for a legislative majority, please help elect Charlotte Bergmann. Help her steal victory from the jaws of defeat for the sake of our children and grandchildren.


Charlotte Bergmann
Candidate for US Congress


Thank You Commercial Appeal

It’s no secret which way the editorial board at the Commercial Appeal leans; so is it any wonder that they are wanting George Flinn as the Republican to run against Steve Cohen in November?  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out.  Their goal is to re-elect both Cohen and Obama.  They know that Flinn cannot beat Cohen.  What’s funny though, is that they unwittingly gave Charlotte Bergmann a compliment.  They called her a scrapper.   The definition of a a scrapper: “Someone who looks small but is really wired and can kick some major ass even though he doesn't look like it.”  That describes Charlotte Bergmann to a T.  She has already proven her grit and determination in the face of opposition and bullying.  Her “interview” with Thaddeus Matthew in January is a great example.  While he was hurling insults and names at her, she graciously listened to his onslaught; but upon leaving, she took action.  Because of this incident, Matthews is off the airwaves in Memphis.  By the way, we can thank Flinn for Thaddeus Matthews ~see here for connection and comments about Matthews by Flinn~.   Flinn also claims that he will fight for jobs; yet recently several radio hosts at one of his radio stations ~WMPS-The Point~ lost their jobs due to “reformatting”.  The hosts that lost their jobs were gaining in popularity, so why would be replaced?  Makes one go hmmmmmmmmmm.  

Flinn couldn’t beat Fincher in the Republican Primary in 2010; he couldn’t beat Wharton for Shelby County Mayor in 2002 ~he lost 62% to 37%~; what makes him think that he can beat Cohen in 2012? 

Charlotte Bergmann is the only Republican that can beat Cohen in November and both the CA and Cohen know it.  As a “scrapper” she will fight to bring Liberty and Reconciliation to Memphis, which in turn will bring Prosperity to Memphis.  Liberals like Cohen ~and the CA~  know that if Charlotte wins, the Democratic Party’s stronghold over the upwardly mobile, freedom loving voters in the NEW 9th District is cooked.  As we head into the heart of perhaps one of the most important – but racially and economically polarized election cycles of our lifetime – we need to continue our success in carrying the message of freedom.  Charlotte is the only one that can do that.  She needs your help though.  First, she needs you to vote for her on August 2, 2012 in the Republican Primary.  Here is a sample ballot for the Primary.  Second, she needs you to tell your family and friends about her and encourage them to vote for Charlotte. Third, she needs your help financially.  It costs money to get the word out about Charlotte, and she would appreciate any donation that you can give her.  You can donate here.  If you live in a safe Republican district, donating to her campaign is something you can do to help get Charlotte Bergmann to D.C.  

How will you help bring sanity and Constitutional government back to D.C.?

Friday, July 27, 2012

Charlotte Bergmann: Only Candidate that Can Bring Reconciliation to Memphis

My friend and Congressional Candidate, Charlotte Bergmann, has been talking to voters during Early Voting in the Primary in Memphis.  Her message of bringing Liberty, Prosperity and Reconciliation to Memphis is resonating with voters.  She was confronted by an angry voter who was spewing anger at "the man" and told her, "You ought to be ashamed of yourself running as a Republican."  She called out to him as he was walking away "How can you blame a Republican for this mess when most people in Memphis have voted for Democratic policies?" He made it a point to let her know when he returned that he, "Voted Republican".  Probably for the first time in his life! 

Charlotte Bergmann states that  "IT HAS GOT TO STOP: I'm running for office because I meet people voting for their lives! People who are living with our economic realities and those realities are painful. The incumbent's plans have NOT 'worked'"  

"REALITY: Forty-one straight months of unemployment above 8 percent, 8.2 million people working part-time who want full-time work, a record 88 million Americans not in the labor force, 1.9 percent GDP growth in the past quarter, more bad GDP numbers expected tomorrow, a stagnant housing market, $5 trillion in new debt, the downgrading of the U.S. credit rating, 38 percent of Americans living paycheck to paycheck, 45 million Americans on food stamps, food prices continuing to increase dramatically, the poverty level likely to rise to the highest level in nearly fifty years…"


Charlotte Bergmann in Runaway Slave
Ms. Bergmann is serious about her goal of bringing Reconciliation not only to Memphis, but also to the rest of the nation.  She was invited to ~and spoke at~ the local NAACP.  She was viciously attacked by radio host Thaddeus Matthews in January.  She has received the thanks of many in the community for getting him off the airwaves because of that interview.  She is also working with friends of Johnnie Williams, a local business owner, who has been jailed  and fined for EPA "violations".  She has a part in the movie Runaway Slave

Charlotte Bergmann needs our help.  She is the only candidate in the Republican Primary that can Repeal and Replace CongressCritter Cohen.  The facts are that the only way to beat Cohen is with outreach to the majority minority community.  We know it can be done.  Shelby County mayor Mark Luttrell was elected in 2010 as a Republican.  He is one of several Republicans who won in 2010.  Charlotte Bergmann can win in November, but only if she gets the Republican nomination.  She needs our help to get her to November.  Will you help by voting for her, telling your friends about her, volunteering for her, or donating to her campaign.  If you are in a "safe" Republican district, you can help by donating and telling your friends about her.  Her vote in Congress will affect all Americans. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Ice-T on Gun Control

I love this!  The purpose of the 2nd amendment is not hunting or protection from "common" criminals.  The purpose of the 2nd Amendment is protection from a tyrannical government. 

How ironic that he was being interviewed by a person whose government was the reason for the 2nd Amendment.  I'm frankly tired of the being lectured to by Brits who have come to this country to make money from these "stupid Yanks". Martin Bashir, Piers Morgan and Sharon Osboune can take their "superiority" back to the UK.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Truth about the Memphis Commercial Appeal Truth-O-Meter

The attack arm of Steve Cohen and the Democrats strikes again.  I'm speaking of the Commercial Appeal; specifically their  Politifact reporter Bartholomew Sullivan. Here is a letter to the editor sent in by a retired Shelby County Schools teacher.  We'll see if the Commercial Appeal deigns to publish it.

Turn the Truth-O-Meter on yourself Commercial Appeal

Meet Mr. Truth-O-Meter: Bartholomew Sullivan
Scripps Howard News Service Political Coordinator.  Check out his Politico Facts and try to guess what his is agenda is. Do you think he might have it out for any and all Republicans? 

Not only did the CA endorse Ms Bergmann's opponent this weekend who they know can not defeat their REAL congressional choice, Steve Cohen, (Just watch who they endorse in October) they sic their attack dog Sullivan to split hairs on exactly how big the BIG Obama Tax is. The REAL true fact that come across in this article is that, Yes, maybe, the tax to fund WWII in 1945 MIGHT have been larger than OBAMA TAX, it doesn't dispute the REAL TRUE FACT that is undisputed in the article that OBAMA TAX is one HUGE TAX that is on the way whether we like it or not. Do you think the people who are in the path of a hurricane care if it is a category 8 or 9?

Oh BTW the data that PolitiFact author Sullivan used to refute Ms. Bergmann's claims was the OTS papers from the Department of Treasury.  Sounds pretty impressive, right? Well according to the Department of Treasury's own website the OTS Papers is characterized as follows:

"The Office of Tax Analysis (OTA) Papers is an occasional series of reports on the research, models, and datasets developed to inform and improve Treasury's tax policy and analysis. The papers are works in progress and subject to revision. Views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent official Treasury positions or policy. "

Commercial Appeal Editor, Since  Bart Sullivan was using questionable data in his article, when will we be seeing a retraction?

In case you missed the taxes that Ms. Bergmann  is referring to when calling the ObamaTax the largest tax in history, here are just some of what is in ObamaTax:

• Starting in 2013, Medicare payroll taxes increase 0.9 percentage points for people with incomes over $200,000 ($250,000 for couples filing jointly). Also, people at this income level would pay a new 3.8 percent tax on investment income. The 10-year tax increase: $210.2 billion.

  • Starting in 2018, a new 40 percent excise tax on high-cost health plans, so-called "Cadillac plans" (over $10,200 for individuals, $27,500 for families), kicks in. That's a tax increase of $32 billion in 2018 and 2019.

• Starting in 2014, a new annual fee on health insurance providers begins. Total estimated 10-year tax increase: $60.1 billion.

• Starting in 2013, the floor on medical expense deductions on itemized income tax returns will be raised from 7.5 percent to 10 percent of income. That's estimated to be an additional tax of $15.2 billion over the next 10 years.

One of the facts that Mr. Sullivan conveniently left out of his article is that they keep finding out new costs/taxes in this bill.  The CBO ~Congressional Budget Office~ has revised it's numbers upward as the years of full implementation of ObamaTax become a reality.

CBO’s initial scoring of Obamacare analyzed its effects from 2010 to 2019, including only six years of full implementation, since main spending provisions do not go into effect until 2014. The new document reports on 2012 to 2021, including an additional two years of full implementation. This still fails to show the true 10-year cost of the law, but gets a little closer. Over eight years, the gross cost of Obamacare’s coverage provisions jumps from $938 billion to $1.39 trillion, which includes $677 billion to create a new health entitlement offering generous subsidies to the middle class to purchase health insurance.

 Here is a chart that shows the upward trend of the real costs of ObamaTax.

The CBO is going to adjust their scoring on the ObamaTax yet again due to the recent Supreme Court ruling.  How much more will it cost us, the American taxpayer?

When the Bias-O-Meter is pointed at the Commercial Appeal, the needle points to 100% Liberal.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Which Class are You?

“Among a large class, there seemed to be a dependence upon the government for every conceivable thing. The members of this class had little ambition to create a position for themselves, but wanted the federal officials to create one for them. How many times I wished then and have often wished since, that by some power of magic, I might remove the great bulk of these people into the country districts and plant them upon the soil – upon the solid and never deceptive foundation of Mother Nature, where all nations and races that have ever succeeded have gotten their start – a start that at first may be slow and toilsome, but one that nevertheless is real.”
― Booker T. Washington, Up from Slavery

We are currently fighting the same battle that Mr. Washington was referencing.  We have a choice to make.  Are we a country that believes in Liberty and personal responsibility?  Or a Country that believes that government is the answer to every problem.  My friend, Charlotte Bergmann is an individual that believes in Liberty.  Her personal story is one of courage in overcoming obstacles such as homelessness and the racial vitriol of those here in Memphis that make their living off of racial division.  See video.  She is currently running to become the Republican nominee that will face off against Congressman Cohen.  Cohen is exactly the kind of politician that creates the kind of people that Mr. Washington is referencing.  The only hope that Memphis ~and the country~ has to Repeal and Replace Cohen is with Charlotte Bergmann.  She needs your help in getting across the finish line.  Early voting has started here in Shelby Country.  Please get out and vote for her. 

Friday, July 13, 2012

An Open Letter to TN GOP

We Can Win District 9

The following is a letter from a retired Shelby County Schools Teacher:

Republicans, Independents, and Undecideds in the 9th District,

You have an extremely important decision to make beginning Friday the 13 and ending Aug 2.

You will need to select the person who will:
1. Represent your values and ideals in the US Congress.
2. Stand firm in the face of ridicule and pressure to do otherwise
3. Attract voters from both parties plus independents and undecided voters
4. Have the best chance to defeat the present incumbent.
Do not take this decision lightly. Do not vote for a candidate because you heard their name before or they are young or rich or black or white. Learn what they stand for and the experience that they will bring to the job you are hiring them for.

The facts are these: 
  • We probably live in one of the most divided districts in the nation. 
  • There is a long history of distrust among the various groups and factions of this community. 
  • The decisions and policies in district 9 affect neighboring districts and TN in positive and negative ways. 
None of these facts are news to anyone who has followed Memphis politics for any length of time.

Out of the three candidates running in the Republican Primary, I am convinced that Charlotte Bergmann is the one GOP candidate that is able to cross the dividing line between our fractured community and win this congressional seat from Steve Cohen.

She has gone into skeptical ,and occasionally hostile, groups and won supporters by the very strength of her convictions and her unshakable faith. People all across the 9th know who she is and are listening and responding. I have seen it time and time again and so have others that are working with her.

Although, sadly, our local media, TV, Radio, and Print, is ignoring all of our GOP candidates. Charlotte was able to break through the Memphis media "wall of silence" and attract support throughout the nation as a result of her racist encounter with a local talk show host early in the year. That encounter enraged the nation and filtered back (via internet) to the local community who were appalled at her treatment no matter their political views.

She has been active in local Republican politics for many years beginning in 1987 when she actively in promoted the Better Schools Program of then Gov. Lamar Alexander. In the last three years she has attended several national conservative events and is known and respected by many of the movers and shakers of the party.

Locally, she works tirelessly in many capacities to bring changes to this community through church, business, and community organizations: 
Kiwanis International
Republican Women Of Purpose Member
Shelby County Republican Women Member
2008 VP Publication - PMI Memphis
National Federation of Independent Business Member
Careers in Transition - Local Community Support Group for the Unemployed
Chamber of Commerce Member

National Federation of Independence Business (NFIB) Member
Chairman of PMI Memphis Nomination Committee 2005-2006
Phi Theta Kappa HONORS Program - President
Christian Brothers University Alumni
Congressional Business Woman of the Year Award 2003 TN - awarded by Congressman Tom Reynolds, Chairman NRCC
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and Lector at Incarnation Catholic Church

Lately, someone posed this question to me. "She ran against Steve Cohen last time and didn't win, what makes her think that she will this time?"

This person was ignoring or was unaware of the fact that in the time between the last congressional election in 2010 and this one, the demographics of TN9 has changed radically. This district has almost doubled in size by the addition of suburb communities to the east and north of the old 9th district.

The people living in the "New 9th" are mostly conservative, are likely voters, are paying attention. They are very responsive to Charlotte Bergman's conservative, common sense message. I know, I live there.

Even with the change in district boundaries, no Republican candidate can win in the new 9th without support from a portion of the Democratic voters in the old and new 9th district. in this election cycle, many of those same voters are disenchanted with the policies of the current leadership and are ready to go in a different direction.

Charlotte ran in the 9th district in 2010 and received over 33,000 votes in a majority democratic district. No other Republican has ever come that close in recent years. 
It all boils down to this:
In this race,
At this time, 

In this district, 
Charlotte Bergmann has the very best chance of defeating Steve Cohen in the general election.

This election could very well be the biggest upset in the nation.

Why Party Loyalty Matters

In doing research the last few days on a variety of issues pertaining to this election, I have come across the guidelines for the TN GOP for candidates to run as a Republican.  One of the requirements to be a Republican candidate in the state of Tennessee is to be a “bona fide” Republican.  What this means is that an individual must prove his loyalty to the Republican Party. The most objective way is “Any individual who has voted in at least two (2) of the four (4) most recent state and/or local Republican primary elections. “   One might ask again; why is this so important?  Loyalty is very important in life.  What an individual calls themselves is important for people to understand what they stand for.  For an individual to call themselves a Republican means that they identify with the Republican values and platform.

I suppose this means I'm a "bona fide Republican".  

I have never considered myself a Republican Party loyalist.  I have always looked at the individual candidates and voted for whomever I felt best matched my values and would live up to the Constitution.  It just so happens that I rarely have voted for a Democrat.  I say rarely because I started my voting in Eastern Arkansas where there really were no Republicans in local government so I probably have voted for a Democrat.  

The first Presidential Election that I remember is of Daddy Bush vs. Dukakis in 1988.  I was in New York City on business with my boss.  She was a staunch Democrat and I wasn’t really aware of politics that much, ~being the young lass that I was~ but I did know my values didn’t match up to my boss’ values.  I voted absentee for Bush and she voted absentee for Dukakis.  Neither one of us wanted to be watching the election returns that night, so we went to Broadway play.  When we got back to our hotel, thankfully, it was over and Bush had won.

 I got married and moved to another town in Eastern Arkansas which is where I started my political education and journey in earnest.  I lived in Arkansas during the Clinton years and remember watching the returns with our good friends and being sick when Clinton won.  I also remember witnessing the rout in 1994 when the Republicans under the brilliant leadership of Newt took control of the House of Representatives in response to what the Democrats did and tried to do under Clinton.  I remember well the House banking scandal.  Our Democrat Rep, Bill Alexander, was replaced in the Democrat Primary by Blanche Lambert Lincoln.  Alexander had written 487 checks totaling $208,546 in bad checks. 

In 2000, I was working in an accountant’s office.  Our receptionist was a grandmother who raised her boys about the same as I was raised.  The one thing that was different was that her husband was a union rep.  Because of that, she would not vote for a Republican.  She joked that even if her son ran as a Republican, she wouldn’t vote for him.  We didn’t talk politics much in the office, but Grammy Lou would make positive comments about Al Gore and how wonderful he was.  Finally, a couple of days before the election, I responded to one of her comments about Gore with the fact that he was a Pantheist and that he worshipped trees.  She was a Christian and replied that when I had kids, I would teach them what Gore believed; that God was in everything.  My answer was that God created everything, he wasn’t in everything.  I remember well the look on her face.  I had never seen her look so hostile.  Needless to say for the next couple of days, it was tense around the office.  I couldn’t wait for Election Day; but then it wasn’t over and dragged on and on while the Democrats tried every trick in the book to steal the election for Gore.  Thankfully, they weren’t successful.  With what we know about Gore now, could you imagine what our country would have been like with him for POTUS?  I shudder to think. 

As I have grown in my understanding of politics and the Constitution and history, my loyalty to the Republican Party has grown.   The Republican Party stands for Life, Free Markets, Individual Liberty and the Constitution.  Republicans understand the rule of law.  Are all Republicans honorable?  No, but while some Republicans are power hungry, the percentage of Democrats that are power hungry is much higher.  The events of the last couple of years bear this out; what the Democrats under the leadership of BO/BS, Pelosi and Reid have done to our Liberty and Freedom is astounding.  They must be defeated in November or it will be near impossible to save this country for our kids and grandkids.  The best chance that we have to defeat them is stand together as Republicans in opposition to them.

In doing research the last few days on a variety of issues pertaining to this election, I have come across the guidelines for the TN GOP for candidates to run as a Republican.  One of the requirements to be a Republican candidate in the state of Tennessee is to be a “bona fide” Republican.  What this means is that an individual must prove his loyalty to the Republican Party. The most objective way is “Any individual who has voted in at least two (2) of the four (4) most recent state and/or local Republican primary elections. “   One might ask again; why is this so important?  Loyalty is very important in life.  What an individual calls themselves is important for people to understand what they stand for.  For an individual to call themselves a Republican means that they identify with the Republican values and platform.

 What comes to mind when you hear someone is a Democrat?  I think of pro-abortion, big government, high taxes and most recently, the undermining of the rule of law ~especially the Constitution~. 

What comes to mind when you hear someone is a Republican?  The Republican Party stands for Life; Constitutional Limited Government; Equality for everyone; Low taxes; and Less Interference from Government into businesses and private lives.

I think it’s very important ~especially in this political climate~ to identify with whom best represents your personal values.  Hiding and apathy is not an option if you really believe that the future of our country is in jeopardy.  We can’t wait for “some else” to act.  It’s time we take responsibility and make a difference ourselves. 

It’s time to choose.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Thank You George Flinn for Thaddeus Matthews

Just in case you haven’t ever heard of Thaddeus Matthews, here is a sample of his show from an interview he did with Congressional candidate, Charlotte Bergmann this past January.  

This is how he views women.
"If a woman doesn't like who I am, [she can] leave. As long as God can keep making women, he'll make another one," he says. "Yes, I'm spoiled. I was spoiled by my great-aunt, and I've been looking for a woman to spoil me ever since."
In his quest for a woman to spoil him, he’s been married multiple times ~so much that he doesn’t know how many times~ 
“admitting to a onetime sexual addiction, Matthews says he was married "between five and 10 times," resulting in four children by four different women.  
He has a rap sheet that includes patronizing prostitution , domestic assault and unlawful possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.
You are probably asking what George Flinn has to do with Thaddeus Matthews.   That’s a good question.  After George Flinn’s failed mayoral bid in 2002, George Flinn hired Matthews at WTCK-AM 1210, one of Flinn’s radio station.  Here are a couple of quotes by George Flinn about Thaddeus Matthews and his show.
"I've known Thaddeus for years and he's matured a lot," says Flinn. "Frankly, I'd like to have some more like him on the air. He's talking about good things. People call his show controversial, but it shows how angry people really are about these issues."
“I wish I had had him on the air during my campaign. I think he would have gotten me a few more votes. He's really got his finger on the pulse of the community."
Here is the reaction of a Memphis mom when she learned of the connection between George Flinn and Thaddeus Matthews.
As of mother of 3 girls, I was horrified to see the interview of Charlotte Bergmann by Thaddeus Matthews for his “radio” show.  It sickened me to see how he would treat a woman, not to mention his disparaging insults to a black woman.  The fact that I was found this video thru national media as opposed to local media is disheartening as a Memphian.  It was a disgrace for the city of Memphis.
In a twist that could only happen in real life, imagine my surprise when I learned that perennial candidate George Flinn was who gave Mr. Matthews his platform for such vitriol.  Not only did Dr. Flinn give Mr. Matthews his platform, it also appears that George Flinn approves of Mr. Matthews show.  “I wish I had had him on the air during my campaign.  I think he would have gotten me a few more votes. He's really got his finger on the pulse of the community."  Flinn stated according to an article in the Memphis Flyer. 
In an ironic twist of fate, I’m sure that Dr. Flinn is disappointed that it was Mr. Matthews’ interview with Ms. Begmann that got Mr. Matthews thrown off the air during his bid for the Republican nomination against Charlotte Bergmann.
  Is George Flinn really the candidate who we want to challenge Steve Cohen for Congress in TN-9?  He sounds more like a friend of Cohen than someone who would want to beat him.  As the video of Ms. Bergmann demonstrates, she is the Republican candidate that has the courage to challenge and beat Steve Cohen.  Support Charlotte Bergmann in the Republican Primary on August 2, 2012 against George Flinn.  Ms. Bergmann is the candidate that can Repeal and Replace Steve Cohen in November.

Monday, July 9, 2012

George Flinn's Tennessee Waltz?

The following Letter is in response to a Memphian discovering that George Flinn was the individual that gave Memphis radio host Thaddeus Matthews his start.  According to this quote from Dr. Flinn in The Memphis Flyer, it sounds like he approves of Mr. Matthews.
"Thaddeus' program is his program," says Flinn. "We don't give him topics and people to discuss. He pays the same that everyone else pays. The price is standard. I wish I had had him on the air during my campaign. I think he would have gotten me a few more votes. He's really got his finger on the pulse of the community."

This is an example of Mr. Matthews "work" on the radio.

Here is the letter from Eleanor Redmond;
A person doesn’t become a hero by burying his head in the sand. Charlotte Bergmann is running for 9th District federal representative and she sticks her head up and takes the shots with grace. She became a national heroine last January by withstanding an outrageous verbal onslaught by Thaddeus Matthews.
While Matthews dragged the sewers for the most degrading language he could find Bergmann held her head high, smiled and refused to fall for his baiting. Desperate, Matthews fell back on the lazy man’s attack: You are not a “real” black woman. It seems that in order to qualify as a black woman Charlotte has to think what Thaddeus thinks. She’s not real unless he can put words in her mouth.
But what came as a shock to Charlotte was finding out that her opponent, George Flinn, was connected to Thaddeus Matthews’ ability to hang that predictable racist window dressing. Matthews' "Express Yourself" program was introduced to the Memphis airwaves by Dr. Flinn's WTCK AM station.
Even after Flinn bowed to public pressure to shut down Matthews, he still supports the agitator. Although both deny rumors that George was financing the program to further his political ambitions, the Memphis Flyer quotes Flinn as saying, "I wish I had had him on the air during my campaign. I think he would have gotten me a few more votes.”
Flinn believes “He's [Matthews has] really got his finger on the pulse of the community." Matthews’ repossession business puts his finger on more than the pulse of this community. But he had the nerve to ask Charlotte what she had ever done for the community!
 I thought he had switched to comedy since Charlotte has been working tirelessly to get government out of the business of stopping OUR businesses for many years.
Matthews and Flinn are prime examples of what is wrong with Memphis politics. They are one of the reasons some people don’t care to vote. We can’t trust the game here until we get honest candidates and put them in office. We have peeled off several layers of corruption but we have a long way to go. Charlotte Bergmann is a chance to make a good beginning. You can tell by the people who attack her. She is blessed in that she doesn’t have to attack anyone…just publish their own words and they indict themselves!
Don’t let Tennessee Waltz be “our song” in Memphis!
What do you think Memphis?  Is George Flinn really the man you want to go up against Steve Cohen in November?

Friday, July 6, 2012

Gotta Love the Marines!

Love this and Love the Marines Corps band!  H/T
 "A subset of the Marine Corps band struck up one of Mitt Romney’s walkout songs while President Obama was greeting visitors at the White House Independence Day celebration.
"A White House pool report said the band struck up Rodney Atkins’s 'It’s America,' and described it as an 'awkward moment.'”

I'm going to add this to my playlist.  Love It1

Cohen and BO/BS have Dissed TN Voters Again

Yet another reason to Repeal and Replace CongressCritter Cohen.  TN voters thru their elected representatives effectively defunded Planned Parenthood ~the nations top abortion provider~


"Last year, Governor Bill Haslam urged local public health departments in Memphis and Nashville to accept all available Title X funds, an effort which successfully ended Title X funding for Tennessee’s Planned Parenthood facilities, when Shelby County commissioners ultimately voted to, instead, award its Title X funds to Christ Community Health, which does not provide or promote abortion.
“While we are disappointed that any tax funding would be directed to private organizations promoting and profiting from the killing of unborn children, this end run around the people of Tennessee will serve to underscore the urgent need to elect a pro-life president, Senate and Congress in November,” said Brian Harris, president of Tennessee Right to Life.

From The Daily Caller .

Pro-lifers are calling foul at Tennessee Democratic Rep. Steve Cohen’s announcement that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Grants Management has given Planned Parenthood Greater Memphis Region $395,000 through its Title X Family Planning Services Program.
According to Cohen’s office, Title X is the only federal grant program with the lone mission of funding family planning services.
“Planned Parenthood Greater Memphis Region has been helping Memphis and Shelby County residents get the health care they need to lead happier, healthier lives for years,” Cohen said in a statement. “These new federal funds will help ensure the Title X Family Planning Program reaches those who need help the most in underserved communities.”
Pro-life groups say that the Obama administration is blatantly circumventing the state’s 2011 decision to defund Planned Parenthood.
“While we are disappointed that any tax funding would be directed to private organizations promoting and profiting from the killing of unborn children, this end run around the people of Tennessee will serve to underscore the urgent need to elect a pro-life president, Senate and Congress in November,” said Brian Harris, president of Tennessee Right to Life\
According to the Tennessee Right to Life, however, the $359,000 is still less than the $727,000 Planned Parenthood had been receiving annually.

“From day one of his presidency, Obama has gone to extremes to support Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion provider,” added Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the pro-life Susan B. Anthony List. “He has refused to yield in the face of Planned Parenthood’s scandals including their exposure as an ally of alleged human traffickers and as willing to turn a blind eye to sex-selective abortion in their clinics. Additionally, it defies reason to send more federal funds to an organization that has been found culpable in the waste, abuse, and potential fraud of millions of taxpayer dollars.”
Harris claims this is more proof that the state needs to be sure a pro-life president is in the White House next year.
“The stakes for pro-life Tennesseans in the upcoming elections have just been heightened,” said Harris. “We’ve done good work here in Tennessee electing pro-life majorities to the Legislature and Congress. But all of that can apparently be undone by a single official unless we have a pro-life president and a pro-life senate solidly committed to defending the weakest and most vulnerable of all.”
The Susan B. Anthony List added that this is the second time the administration has bypassed a state’s decision to not fund Planned Parenthood — the first example being a $1 million contract with Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, despite New Hampshire’s initial decision to reject a contract with the group.
LifeNews reported Thursday evening that the $359,000 grant is the first of a three-year award set to total almost $1.2 million.

 In number terms ~as pointed out by a fellow citizen of TN-9~ Cohen just gave the death sentence to 450 - 1,360 citizens of Memphis.  According to Planned Parenthood, 1st trimester abortions cost about $300-$950.  Cohen also voted against stopping gender selection abortions.  While the majority of Cohen's constituents are church going and Pro-life, Cohen doesn't care.  He is in lock-step with the Obama Administration and Planned Parenthood.

It's time to Repeal and Replace Cohen with a Congressman who is Pro-life and believes in the Constitution.  It's time to Repeal and Replace Cohen with Charlotte Bergmann, because without Life, there is no Liberty or Pursuit of Happiness.  While Charlotte Bergmann is not the only Pro-life candidate in the Republican TN-9 race, she is the only one who can beat Steve Cohen.  She is the only Republican candidate that can bring Reconciliation to Memphis.  She is the only candidate that can bridge the gap between the different communities in Memphis.  She has proven this with her encounter with ex-radio show host Thadeus Matthews.  

Chip and Dip with Charlotte Bergmann

With the recent ObamaTax decision by the Supreme court, it is more important than ever to elect Constitutional Conservatives who will fight to Repeal and Replace HellCare as well as the many other encroachments on our Liberty that have been foisted on us by legislators like Steve Cohen.

Charlotte Bergmann is such a Constitutional Champion.  She is determined to Repeal and Replace ObamaTax.  Here is her statement regarding the decision by the Supreme Court:

Supreme Court’s Decision on ‘Obamacare’ Sets the Debate for November’s Election
Make no bones about it, the new tax foisted on Americans will kill job creation!  This tax increase is the largest tax increase in the history of the world.

Five Supreme Court Justices today decided to not impartially rule on the case – i.e. execute their solemn Constitutional charge.  They instead decided to serve as five more Affordable Care Act,
 'ObamaCare' lawyers - and create a brand new argument to unconstitutionally "justify" the ObamaCare mandate.

Charlotte Bergmann, U.S. Congressional candidate for Tennessee 9th District states, “I am disappointed in the Court’s ruling today. ObamaCare will stand as a massive tax on Americans. ObamaCare will add Trillions to our national debt, deter future job growth, and force thousands of individuals out of their existing health care coverage. The choice in the upcoming election couldn’t be clearer."

“Congressman Steve Cohen voted to pass ObamaCare and continues to support it. If elected, I will vote to repeal ObamaCare and replace it with real reforms that put patients and doctors in charge, create more choices for consumers and actually drive down the cost of health care.”

Bergmann then voiced her support for the following market-oriented reforms to health care:
• Make health care expenses and health insurance 100% tax deductible for individuals

• Create more choices through market reforms, including the ability to purchase insurance across state lines

• Aggressive medical malpractice and legal tort reform

• Preserve and protect Medicare through patient-doctor choice, not government cuts that deny seniors services

ObamaCare’s negative effects on job creation and U.S. citizens.

• Starting in 2013, Medicare payroll taxes increase 0.9 percentage points for people with incomes over $200,000 ($250,000 for couples filing jointly). Also, people at this income level would pay a new 3.8 percent tax on investment income. The 10-year tax increase: $210.2 billion.
  • Starting in 2018, a new 40 percent excise tax on high-cost health plans, so-called "Cadillac plans" (over $10,200 for individuals, $27,500 for families), kicks in. That's a tax increase of $32 billion in 2018 and 2019.

• Starting in 2014, a new annual fee on health insurance providers begins. Total estimated 10-year tax increase: $60.1 billion.

• Starting in 2013, the floor on medical expense deductions on itemized income tax returns will be raised from 7.5 percent to 10 percent of income. That's estimated to be an additional tax of $15.2 billion over the next 10 years.

An unelected board of 15 bureaucrats having the ability to deny health care to senior citizens

• Violates religious conscience: 43 Catholic organizations – including the University of Notre Dame – have sued the U.S. Dept. of HHS over mandates regarding contraception that conflict with the moral teachings of those organizations.

The tax increases in the health care legislation reverses a trend of federal tax cuts and represent the first significant tax increases since 1993.  For the sake of our families, Republicans are outraged and are mobilizing for a 2010 redux...for our LIBERTY!  We have learned that Congress has no right to force us to purchase something we don't want to purchase; but Congress has a right to tax...and tax...and tax us into tyranny.  If liberty is our goal, the Supreme Court has failed its people.

As I have already stated, "If elected, I will fight inch by inch in defense of the Constitution to Repeal and Replace Obamacare."


U.S. Congress Candidate

Charlotte Bergmann truly cares about Memphis and will be a Congressman that looks forward to and encourages Face to Face meetings with the citizens of Memphis.  We have an opportunity to do just that.

Please come meet her at:

La Hacienda
1760 N Germantown Pkwy, Cordova TN 38016 

Thursday July 12, 2012
6:30 - 8:00 p.m.

Bring a Friend who is concerned about the direction that this country is taking.  Even if you don't live in the 9th District, her vote affects you, so come meet her.  

We can make a difference and we can make a change here in Memphis, but we need you help to spread Ms. Bergmann's message of how Liberty and Reconciliation will bring Prosperity.