Let's connect the dots. The national media is in the tank for BO/BS. A recent example of this is a story by the Washington Post alleging that Romney "bullied" a student when he was in High School in 1965. The only problem is it never happened. This is according to the alleged victims family as reported by Breitbart.com. Another recent example of the media lying is the Trayvon Martin fiasco. NBC and ABC were caught editing audios and visuals. In fact NBC has fired people over it. CNN has also backtracked on their "audio" expert that claimed that Mr. Zimmerman used a racial slur during the 911 call. The media is now in full retreat mode due to the fact that they realize that most Americans know the truth.
Let's now go local to Memphis. In both 2008 and 2010 The Commercial Appeal endorsed Cohen. Charlotte Bergmann's message of Liberty and Reconciliation that will bring Prosperity to All Memphians is a threat to the Cohen campaign. Her courage in the face of the obvious hostility and vitriol of Thadeus Matthews underscores her commitment and passion for the citizens of Memphis. Ms. Bergmann's personal story of how hard work, perseverance and faith helped her triumph over the obstacles of being a single mom and living out of her car at one point is an example to the voters of TN-9 that Mr. Cohen doesn't want them to hear. Mr. Cohen realizes that the biggest threat to his job is from Charlotte Bergmann, not George Flinn. George Flinn is who Mr. Cohen would rather face in November. Enter Mr. Sullivan and The Commercial Appeal. Mr. Sullivan's recent
The bottom line is Charlotte Bergmann is the Congressional candidate that CongressCritter Cohen fears; not George Flinn with all of his campaign cash. This is just the latest round of flak that Charlotte Bergmann is receiving.
To donate or volunteer to help get the word out about Charlotte Bergmann, go to TheNew9th.com.